Peter Lohmann's Mailing List - Issue #30

Huge Announcement Today!

Property Management Business-In-A-Box

For years I've dreamed of finding a way to take everything we learned about scaling a property management company from 0 to 700 units, and making it available to the world.

I considered expanding geographically and hiring local operators. But it's difficult to properly align the incentives of a local employee without overly-complicated compensation strategies. Plus, it's not clear to me that a centralized command-and-control strategy actually works in property management.

I considered selling consulting by the hour. This works well, but drastically limits the impact we can have. I've never felt great about selling my time by the hour, for a variety of reasons.

I considered creating a course. A decent option, but this is a one-and-done transaction both for the customer and me. I wanted something that was more ongoing, engaging, and timeless.

I considered franchising. Too expensive (for everyone), too centralized, and we didn't want to put artificial limits on where and how others might want to grow their business.

So when Jon Matzner approached me with a totally new idea about how to make our playbook available, in a scalable way that aligns incentives, I was instantly intrigued! We instantly got to work, taking everything I've learned at RL Property Management and plugging it into the fantastic model that Jon developed when looking for a way to scale his garage upgrade business.

Today I am officially launching Property Management Business in a Box.

I want to share our world-class operating model with you, and set you up for success!

What's Included

You already know how great property management is as a business model, and you already know who I am. So what is on offer here, exactly?

  1. Hundreds of SOPs, vendor lists, software guides, videos, templates, and more that help you launch or grow your property management business faster and more effectively. And yes, my full Notion!

  2. A range of optional shared services to take a lot of the "grind" out of running a property management business. We've been doing this for 10+ years - why not take advantage of that?

  3. A private community of new & experienced operators - swapping tips, answering questions, distilling best practices. Launching your property management company doesn't need to be lonely.

I want to give you the "cheat code" for starting & growing a property management business - and show you exactly how we calmly and effectively manage 700+ units. If you dream of being able to take a 5-week mini sabbatical but can't imagine how that's possible in property management, I made this for you.

Special podcast episode - brand new - you can listen to Jon and I discuss this opportunity right here!

We're Only Taking Ten People To Start

Applications are now open for the initial group of "affiliates" (what we're calling business owners using this system). If you're looking to start, buy or grow a property management business, this is for you. We only have room for 10 individuals in our first group - these folks will get direct access to me as we refine the model and make sure you have everything you need to succeed.

I do want to be clear - we are not promising success. We are providing everything that's worked for us, but all the tools in the world are useless if you're not committed and coachable.

More About Why I'm Doing This

I want to spend the next phase of my career helping property management entrepreneurs. And I want to do it in a way that is both high-impact and high-leverage; not an easy combination to find.

After 10+ years managing rental properties, what gets me up in the morning (and puts a huge smile on my face) is delivering massive value to people in our industry; people like you. You may have noticed that I'm basically giving away everything through my podcast, my blog, and this newsletter. And I'm going to continue doing that, because I love doing it.

For years now, people have been encouraging me to franchise, or license, or do something with the industry knowledge that we have carefully and painfully collected. What if there was a way to package it all up for those who want to hit the EASY button? I wasn't going to do that until I found a way to do it that was both aligned with my values AND made economic sense for both of us. PM business in a box does exactly that.

Is This A Franchise?

No, and here's why. A franchise requires co-branding (eg, every fast-food joint using the McDonalds playbook is branded as a McDonalds).

I believe people don't actually care about, or even want, a national property management brand when looking for someone to manage their property. Property owners want to work with LOCAL property management companies. If you're curious to learn more about the existing property management franchises, I recently published an article comparing them.

Who Else Is Involved

I've partnered up with Jon Matzner on this - his operational & sales chops are second-to-none. I've never met someone so deeply knowledgeable and thoughtful about operations, while simultaneously being able to sell eggs to a chicken. Jon and I first connected on Twitter geeking out over Notion, and shortly after discussing the PM business in a box idea, I flew out to San Diego to meet him in person. We spent 12 hours talking business, politics, and philosophy nonstop.

We've also invited Codie Sanchez aboard, to help get the word out to a broader audience. Codie has the largest SMB audience in the world with over 2M followers across many platforms, and I knew she could be a great advocate and megaphone to help make more people aware of the opportunity in property management. If you're interested in her perspective, here's the article she wrote about me, and here's a taste of her Twitter:

Now What?

If you're interested, go here and click "Apply Now", and we'll be in touch!

Want to learn more? Make sure you listen to my brand new podcast episode discussing it, and feel free to hit me up on Twitter with any questions.